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Two ways to style your Facebook group

What’s better than one set of done-for-you Canva Templates for your Facebook group? Two (at a reduced price)!

I know you’re a girl who likes options, so now, I’m giving them to you.

Whether you manage multiple groups or just like having multiple choices, this Facebook Group Canva Bundle includes 2 sets of professional-looking, done-for-you Canva templates–so there’s something to suit every style and preference!

Nope, you don’t need to hire a designer to stand out from other groups–or get your peeps to take action.

What's included:
20 Facebook covers  · 23 Promo graphics · 19 Announcement graphics · 18 Promo graphics · 2 Branded + editable Mood Boards  · How to video tutorials · Bonus tips + resources · Bonus 20 rectangle design prompt graphics 


50% Complete

Two Step

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